Change on the Water Fund

We have removed the fixed window for Change on the Water Fund (COTW) applications which means the Fund is open for applications.  We have £95,000 to allocate to Change on the Water Fund projects (June 2024). We are actively encouraging applications – please apply now.

We believe that addressing human rights and labour standards issues in supply chains is a shared responsibility. The COTW Fund is to support projects in our member company supply chains that positively impact the human rights and labour standards of fishers and aquaculture workers. The aims are to: accelerate change at fishing fleet and aquaculture producer level and explore common indicators for measuring change; to pilot a collaborative model for addressing human rights and labour issues that acknowledges shared responsibility for supply chain partners; to prove the concept that interventions in supply chains can address human rights risks and benefit the seafood sector, in order to facilitate more access to funding (philanthropic and from within businesses).

SEA Alliance Change on the Water Fund Allocation Panel

Change on the Water funding is intended to support improvements that help ensure the human and labour rights of seafood workers are protected and respected.

The priority is, but is not limited to, the following areas:

  • Grievance and worker voice mechanisms – supporting implementation and understanding to strengthen the effectiveness of mechanisms
  • Recruitment practices – making recruitment ethical and responsible
  • Due diligence at fishing fleet and aquaculture producer level (linked to a programme of improvement) and fishery/aquaculture assessments
  • Diversity and anti-discrimination
  • Capacity building and and/or training on any aspects related to worker’s rights
  • Ensuring decent work at sea.

Through the Change on the Water Fund we want to support a collaborative model for addressing human rights issues that acknowledges shared responsibility for supply chains. Our aim is to share learning on the level of success of different approaches, with a view to encouraging uptake of replicable and scalable approaches.

Who can apply

The Fund is open to members of the SEA Alliance and their partners. Each application must be a collaboration between at least two interested parties and involve at least one SEA Alliance participating business. Inclusion of additional stakeholders in projects is encouraged to demonstrate wider ownership of the activity, but responsibility for project delivery lies primarily with SEA Alliance members. Members may be involved in multiple applications, but may only apply as the lead applicant/s on one application per funding round. Members may apply as lead applicant a second time only once the project they previously led is closed. Applicants must demonstrate capability to manage any grant and capacity to deliver each project they are involved with.

Application process

You can apply for funding now. Applications can be made by a singular SEA Alliance member if a collaborative approach is demonstrated with external organisations. SEA Alliance businesses will be required to contribute towards the match funding of projects. SEA Alliance members or other stakeholders in the project must provide matched funding representing at least 25 per cent of the total project cost.

Applicants are required to include:

  • The completed application form
  • A short video pitch (see application form for further details)
  • The completed budget template

Reviewing the applications

A Change on the Water Fund Allocation Panel has been created to review applications, with established assessment criteria. Where panel members are involved in individual applications they will not be involved in the decision-making process on those applications.

Round one funding 2022/2023

In round one we awarded £45,000 to three projects, which commenced at the end of 2022/beginning of 2023. The three projects were:

Establishing a mobile application promoting worker rights and incorporating a national grievance mechanism. Maldives Pole-and-line/Handline tuna fishery, Maldives Exclusive Zone.

Although the Maldivian tuna fishery is widely recognised for its pivotal role in supporting its island communities, the increasing use of migrant workers in the harvesting sector has catalysed government action to implement improved safeguards and ensure labour rights are upheld. By assisting the Maldivian government in efforts to establish a mobile application promoting worker rights and incorporating a national grievance mechanism in the Maldivian tuna fishery, this project seeks to reduce the risk of any potential unethical recruitment and employment practices occurring within the sector. The development of a mobile application that incorporates a grievance mechanism responds directly to the challenges outlined above. The mobile application will inform fishers about their own rights, and provide them with a means to report any workplace and recruitment-related grievances anonymously. Match funding: World Wise Foods and Sainsbury’s each provided match funding to support the project.

Thai Seafood Producers: Worker Voice and Survey, Thai Fishing Industry, Thailand.

This project will deliver a trial of the Ulula worker voice survey and grievance mechanism tool for the first time at the seafood harvester and producer end of the supply chain in Thailand. Ulula’s solutions may support hotspots identification within the supply chain where actual or potential adverse social, labour and human rights impacts are detected by sourcing feedback directly from workers at sea via their mobile devices. The trial will seek to implement a tool that is replaceable, scalable and usable across a range of different seafood producers namely the wild capture fishing sector in Thailand and for potentially other fishing fleets. Project stakeholders will co-design the tool for this specific application and will complete surveys of the workers and then also create a grievance mechanism that will be trialled. Match funding: Thai Union, Seafresh, Smuckers and Mars Petcare each provided match funding to support the project.

International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and Stella Maris: Development and dissemination of resources for migrant crew in the UK fishing industry, UK.

This project is focused on providing outreach and support to migrant fishers across the UK fishing sector. This project, implemented by ITF and Stella Maris, will include creating information materials in workers’ own languages and will fund worker outreach in different parts of the UK. This will complement the work being led by Waitrose to create films for new entrants to the UK fishing sector, that will provide insights into working in UK fishing, employment rights, and how to access support where it is needed. Match funding: Hilton, Lidl, Morrisons and Tesco each provided match funding to support the project.

Round two funding 2023/2024

In round two we awarded just under £20,000 to one project which is underway and due to complete in the first half of 2024.

Mobile app development for Scottish white fish fleet, UK.

The funding has been awarded to design, build, trial, develop and launch an App that will be used to support Crew Services in the engagement and delivery of improved, secure and private communications between, and to fishers (including foreign fishers), as well as to other relevant stakeholders. This will allow sharing of various types of practical information. Crew members can build an online community through the chat function. This will allow the sharing of experiences to increase their feeling of belonging. The transparency and availability of information will provide a level of support and empowerment for crew members that is currently not offered. Match funding: Associated Seafoods, Youngs Seafoods, Thistle Seafoods and Marks & Spencer.

If you would like more information on the Change on the Water Fund, or if you would like to discuss an idea for a project, please contact or

Making the Change on the Water Fund more accessible.

We are aiming for a more accessible Change on the Water Fund (COTW) by removing the fixed window for applications. Applications can now be made by a singular SEA Alliance member if a collaborative approach is demonstrated with external organisations. However, SEA Alliance businesses will be required to contribute towards the match funding of projects.

Please read the SEAA Change on the Water Fund. Project outline details.

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